
Total war battles kingdom test
Total war battles kingdom test

total war battles kingdom test

Water level rises breaking the dam, so make sure you raise the terrain level behind the dam. Trees grow on fertile terrain.īuild a dam to prevent water from flooding your kingdom. Tap on a group of trees to know what type they belong to.

total war battles kingdom test

However, the latter grows faster than the former.

total war battles kingdom test

Oak tree will give you more wood than pine tree. With a woodcutter, you can fell trees to gain wood. On sand, only slums, bridges and dams can be built. Deer can be hunted for a small amount of food. You will have to build a sheep farm and cattle farm close to grassy terrain to slaughter/rear sheep and cattle.ĭeer can be found close to trees and forest, so if you keep cutting trees for wood, chances of deer appearing are less. Grassy terrain can also be of good use as cattle and sheep are usually found in such terrain. This will make it easy for you to grow and harvest wheat on such terrain. If the terrain type is not fertile, you can lower terrain next to a lake to make water flow close to it. Build a farm next to such terrain and it will sow seeds on it so that you can harvest wheat. Such type of terrain can allow wheat fields and trees to grow. Dirt within 2 hex of water is considered fertile. There are different types of terrain in Total War Battles: Kingdom. Types of Terrain and How to Make the Most of Them Building it next to a blacksmith will provide a 10 percent increase in housing workers, whereas building it close to a blacksmith and market or blacksmith and two markets will provide 25 percent and 50 percent housing time reduction respectively.īuilding slums next to Blacksmith, Market and Tavern will reduce the time required to house peasants. Constructing a military building close to a castle will increase attack (ranged, melee etc.) by 1, whereas if building is close to castle and church or “castle, church and tavern”, attack will be increased by 2 and 5 respective.īuilding houses close to Market and Blacksmith will produce workers faster. Building it close to 4 houses will trigger a 5 percent cool down reduction in an order.Ĭonstructing military buildings next to a castle, church and tavern will increase unit attack. You just have to fill the remaining 3 with craftsmen to get a speed bonus.īuilding a Church next to houses will reduce Order cool down time. So if you built a blacksmith next to two military buildings, you will have 2 out of 5 worker slots already filled. If you build Blacksmith next to military buildings (including church), you will have worker slots already filled.

Total war battles kingdom test