
Warhammer 40k soul drinkers
Warhammer 40k soul drinkers

warhammer 40k soul drinkers

The overall Big Bad of the series, however, is a Big Bad Duumvirate composed of Abraxas and Daenyathos, who have been manipulating the Chapter for millennia.

  • Bearer of Bad News: In Hell-Forged, despite Lygris's Frozen Face, Sarpedon can tell he brought bad news.
  • Badass Creed: Inquisitor Thaddeus gets a great one-bellowing the Inquistiorial version of the Miranda Rights while blasting bolts into a Nurglitch demagouge.
  • Back for the Finale: Phalanx features the return of Sister Aescarion and Lord Inquisitor Kolgo of the Inquisition, Reinez of the Crimson Fists, Captain Borgannor of the Howling Griffons, and Abraxes.
  • He later upgrades the fan blades to chainswords. How crazy? After losing his hands and the damaged nerves being unable to take prosthetics he decides the best idea is jam fan blades into the stumps and run around topless.
  • A God Am I: Teturact, who seems to think he's a hybrid of Nurgle and the Emperor.
  • The Necron tomb interior is so unnerving that the Soul Drinkers have a hard time just walking in a straight line - which doesn't help the fact that you're being killed by ghost zombie robots.
  • Given that he's a Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, this is justified.

    warhammer 40k soul drinkers warhammer 40k soul drinkers

  • Whenever Abraxes shows up the material world seems to screw itself.
  • Notable examples include Tellos' turn to Khorne, Eumenes' mutiny, Iktinos's Tzeentch cult, and Daenyathos being still alive.
  • Arguably, Sarpedon qualifies as an Absent Father, in that he never seems to have a clue what's going on in his own chapter.
  • At the climax of Chapter War, Sarpedon tells Eumenes that the position of Chapter Master is not a prize for the proud but a position of responsibility.
  • Above Good and Evil: Iktinos thinks that his work for Daenyathos and Abraxes is important to the Chapter, regardless of motive.

  • Warhammer 40k soul drinkers